Every year Chad's family takes a fishing trip in Northwestern Colorado on the White River near a little town called Buford. We stay in a nice cabin (with electricity and plumbing :-), go fishing, play cards and hang out. It is a beautiful part of the state and I have always looked forward to the refreshing weekend away.
This year, Braeden was 8 weeks old on the scheduled fishing weekend. This would be our first "big" driving trip with the little guy (5 hours in the car). While we would only be gone 2 nights, there was an amazing amount of stuff that we needed to bring to accommodate this little person. We were leaving on Saturday morning and I started making a mental list of everything I needed almost a week before. This trip always requires more thought because we bring all of our food and drink as well (the nearest store is about 30 mins outside of town.) We started getting ready to go on Friday and by Saturday around 9 am, we were on the road. I think that is the most packed our Volvo has ever been. We brought the pack and play with the bassinet so he had somewhere to sleep, the shade tent in case he needed shade outside, the gymini in case he wanted to play... can you tell this is our first :-) We may need to buy a trailer to ac

commodate future kids :-) Braeden was fed and changed and fell asleep quickly as we headed up the mountain. Lucky for us, he slept most of the way there (with one stop to eat.) Our ride back wasn't so lucky :-) We arrived around 3 pm, and everyone was anxiously awaiting our arrival, or should I say Braeden's arrival!
It was a great weekend. Chad's entire family was there, along with Dena's mom and Chad's Grandma Baker. I didn't get to fish as much as normal, but I did sneak away with Chad for a couple of hours to go fish by the bridge while Chad's sister and mom watched Braeden. This was the first time Chad and I had been alone since Braeden's birth. It was so refreshing and relaxing to just hang out in the beautiful mountain air and know that Braeden was in good hands. They took him on a walk and he quicky fell asleep for most of the time we were gone (he almost always falls asleep on his walks, even on the bumpy mountain dirt roads.)
While I was hanging with Braeden at the cabin, many of the others were out catching

fish. Dan, Chad's dad, brought home a couple of big ones. In fact, they were almost as long as our little guy, and that means it's a long fish :-)

Our trip was spent eating, relaxing, and playing with Braeden. It was really a great time. I am definitely looking forward to the year when Braeden is old enough to cast his first line into the river. As fast as the first 8 weeks have gone, I'm sure they will be here before I know it.