As a first time mom you do everything you can to prepare for this new addition to your life. I read books, went to classes, talked to other moms, but when they say you have no idea what is coming, they aren't lying. I now have a new appreciation for all of my friends who already have kids. I always thought I had an idea of what their lives were like, but I was truly clueless. Being a mom has been the most rewarding and the most challenging thing I have ever done. I will never forget one specific moment right after Braeden was born. Chad and I were alone in the hospital room. I had just finished feeding Braeden for the first time and Chad offered to burp him. After he gave a couple of good burps Chad looked and me and said, "Now what we do we do?" First time parenthood is full of these moments. You think you're prepared, but it's definitely a learn on the job type of adventure.
When we brought Braeden home, I was filled with excitement and anticipation. I don't think Chad has ever driven as sl
ow as he did on that first ride with the baby.
After safely arriving at our door, we took the new little one inside and gave him a tour of his home. He also got to meet the 2 dogs for the first time. The older dog, Wiglaf, gave him a little sniff and layed his snout on my leg. Our puppy, Stella was much more interested in checking him out. She sniffed and gave a little lick. I think she is still trying to figure him out...if we let her, she would give him a full lick over :-) The first 2 weeks were pretty much a blur. We took our first trip to the pediatrician on the Tuesday after we got home. Braeden's weight was down slightly (7 lbs 7 ounces) which is normal right after birth. They wanted me to bring him in 2 days later to check his weight again. Braeden spent the next 2 days permanently attached to my boob, his food source. I couldn't seem to feed this kid enough...2 days later it paid off, he had gained 8 oz in 2 days (they look for 1-2 oz per day, so this kid was definitely packing on the pounds.) Little Braeden has continued to eat vigorously. At his 2 week appointment, he was 9 lbs and who knows where he'll be at his 2 month check up.
Another fun memory was our first lunch out with Braeden. After the 2 week appointment, Braeden fell asleep in the car. Chad and I decided to go to Red Robin for lunch. It seemed like a good idea, as Chad and I had spent most of the last 2 weeks at the house. Braeden was relaxed, he slept through the entire lunch. However, Chad and I spent the entire lunch staring at him and praying he wouldn't wake up. I remember a moment when he started to stir and I started eating my sandwich as quickly as possible in anticipation of his scream (that never came.) Let's just say that we have progressed from this first outing, and while we still spend most of our time looking at the baby, I am not fearful of his waking (or crying) at this point.
As I move ahead in this new world of motherhood, I am trying to enjoy every moment (the good and seemingly bad).
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