Sunday, August 30, 2009

It's a bee!

It all started when I was trying to pick out an outfit for Braeden to wear to his 3 month pictures. I wanted him to wear a summer outfit. Unfortunately, all of the stores I looked at were carrying fall and winter clothes, so I was restricted to the clothes in Braeden's closet (which was probably better for my bank account in the long run :-)
I picked out a few outfits I liked and did my own photo shoot at home. Needless to say, Braeden was not too happy with multiple costume changes over a short period of time. We were meeting my parents for dinner that night, so I took my camera to get feedback on what my parents thought looked best. When we got to this outfit, my dad immediately said, "He can't wear that, he looks like a bee." Needless to say, the bee outfit was nixed for the professional pictures. However, my husband found quite a bit of humor in the bee outfit, as you can see below....


  1. Love the outfit and absolutely love the video of Chad and Braeden. So cute. He us just adorable. Can't wait to see what outfit you finally choose!!!

  2. He is so cute and that video was hilarious!!
