However, as they have grown up, they have also flown the coup, so to speak, and made homes in other parts of the country and world. While Travis lives here in Denver, Chelsea lives in California, and up until a few days ago, Brett lived in Japan for the past 3 years. I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited when Brett told us he was moving back to Denver indefinitely, while searching for a job in the video game industry. Brett has always been very adventurous, and I don't know where life will take him. But for now, we have him back in Denver for a few months and I intend to see him as much as possible.
Because Brett lived in Japan, he hadn't been back to meet his new newphew, Braeden. There had been a lot of build up because Braeden was born the day before Brett's birthday and we have also started to call Braeden Mr B. on occasion, which was always one of Brett's nicknames. Brett has stated that he is the original Mr. B and Braeden is the sequel (keeping in mind that the sequel is never as good as the original)...well, it seems we have found a sequel that is as good (if not better :-) than the original. Brett was excited to meet Braeden and stated that he definitely lived up to all the hype. I know they will grow to be great buddies as Braeden gets older. I hope Braeden has some of the humor, smarts and adventurous spirit that the original Mr. B has. If so, he has a very exciting life ahead of him. We are glad to have you back Brett, now you have to stay around a while!
awww... thanks, Brook :) It's really good to be able to see all of you guys so much, too, even if Braeden isn't so thrilled to see me recently ;)