Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year - A different celebration with kids :-)
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year!

Saturday, December 12, 2009
I love December!

Monday, November 30, 2009
6 months
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Chad and I stayed busy with all of the pre-wedding hoopla. There was a welcome party on Thursday, the Rehearsal Dinner on Friday and the Wedding on Saturday. Additionally, Chrissy took all of the bridesmaids on a snorkel cruise on Friday morning. That was such a great, relaxing time for me to hang out with the girls. I can't tell you the last time I sat in the sun, no worries, for 3 hours. It was great. All of Chrissy's bridesmaids were awesome too. We had so much fun hanging out.
A few funny things...a tractor that picks up seaweed, drove right behind the ceremony area just before the bridesmaids started walking down. Also, there was a nudist colony a few resorts down from our resort. Apparently, the nudists like to wear banana hammocks when they clothe. I didn't see them, but there was a couple standing 30 yards from the ceremony making out, and the man was wearing his g-string swimsuit. Chad thought it was humorous enough to take a picture :-)
The reception was a lot of fun. Great company, good music and lots of dancing. Overall, it was a great wedding. I am soo happy for Chrissy and Travis. I look forward to lots of fun years ahead as married couples.
The trip back to Denver ran into a couple slight glitches. Mainly, that our plane was delayed 3 hours and almost didn't take off. Apparently, the flight attendants oxygen mask wouldn't stay up in the compartment, and legally, they can't fly with it dangling down. Thank goodness, they found a way to fly at a lower altitude to get us back to Denver that night. I was so thankful, as I was definitely ready to get home. It was a great trip, but I was glad to get back to our own beds (and crib) and back into our routine.
I want to thank my mom again for coming with us. She was a godsend. We definitely couldn't have gotten by without her. Thanks for being a great mom and an amazing grandma. I love you!
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009
5 Months
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Meeting Uncle Brett
However, as they have grown up, they have also flown the coup, so to speak, and made homes in other parts of the country and world. While Travis lives here in Denver, Chelsea lives in California, and up until a few days ago, Brett lived in Japan for the past 3 years. I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited when Brett told us he was moving back to Denver indefinitely, while searching for a job in the video game industry. Brett has always been very adventurous, and I don't know where life will take him. But for now, we have him back in Denver for a few months and I intend to see him as much as possible.
Because Brett lived in Japan, he hadn't been back to meet his new newphew, Braeden. There had been a lot of build up because Braeden was born the day before Brett's birthday and we have also started to call Braeden Mr B. on occasion, which was always one of Brett's nicknames. Brett has stated that he is the original Mr. B and Braeden is the sequel (keeping in mind that the sequel is never as good as the original)...well, it seems we have found a sequel that is as good (if not better :-) than the original. Brett was excited to meet Braeden and stated that he definitely lived up to all the hype. I know they will grow to be great buddies as Braeden gets older. I hope Braeden has some of the humor, smarts and adventurous spirit that the original Mr. B has. If so, he has a very exciting life ahead of him. We are glad to have you back Brett, now you have to stay around a while!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Baptism and the Godmamma
I found a way to get her to Denver for sure by (finally) planning Braeden's baptism. She is the Godmother (or the Godmomma as she likes to call herself), so she had to make an appearance this weekend. I love my brothers and sisters soo much and I was soo excited for Chelsea to meet my little guy. What can I say, he was a hit. It was so cute to see her with her nephew. She is ten years younger than me, and probably a long way off from having her own kids, but she sure was excited to cuddle her little nephew. Braeden is sure to be spoiled by my brothers and sisters (at least until they have their own kids :-)
Chelsea spent the night at our house on Friday, and while I know she enjoyed spending time with Braeden, I think she will think twice about having kids any time soon after seeing me get up every few hours throughout the night. The days of sleeping in on the weekends are gone once you have kids.
The main event of the weekend, the baptism, was on Sunday morning at the 9:15 mass. This was during his regular nap time, so I wasn't sure how well he would do...luckily he did great! We arrived at 8:45 to meet with the ushers to coordinate how everything would play out. I had to laugh to myself when he asked how much space they should block off for our guests. Chad comes from a very large extended family. Almost everyone lives in Colorado and most of them come to every family event. I think the usher nearly passed out when I said we were expecting about 40 people. One of the great things about coming from such a large close family, is the traditions that you get to pass down. Braeden wore the baptismal gown that was hand sewn in 1923 by his great, great Grandma. It was worn by both Chad's grandpa and Chad and I'm sure it will be worn by many generations to come.
Before the mass, Father Pawel came over to meet Braeden. I don't' know what came over him, but my little boy started smiling and kicking, he was so excited to meet the priest. The mass started and we waited to take our places for the baptism, which took place in the middle of the mass. Our parish has a baptismal pool in the back and the priest asks all of the kids in attendance to gather around for baptisms. I can already imagine Braeden running up at a future mass trying to get a place in front where he can touch the water.
As the Father Pawel began to pour the holy water over Braeden's head, I thought my biggest concern would be if he would cry or not. However, when I bent over to hold Braeden over the pool, I could feel my strapless dress slowly inching down. You can't see my terror in the video, but I was sure I was going to flash the entire church. Luckily, my elastic held on, and I made it through the father, son and holy ghost. I have made a mental note to myself not to wear a strapless dress to any future baptisms. Braeden made it through all his essential parts of the mass, before passing out in his daddy's arms. As a side note, Braeden seems to fall asleep quite often in church...maybe I should get a mass to play for him at bedtime :-)
After mass, we had everyone over to our house for a brunch. This would be a simple task if you have a regular sized family, but when you have 40 people coming to your house, it takes some planning. I think everyone was fairly comfortable, and we only ran out of potatoes (next time we will have to make 2 batches). I really love family functions. Chad and I are both sooo lucky to have such awesome families with soo many people that care about us and Braeden. Thanks also to Danny and Chelsea. Braeden is very lucky to call you his Godparents.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
4 months
I love how he grabs both of his feet and rolls into a little ball. Apparently this is called the happy
baby pose in yoga and judging how much Braeden does this, he is definitely a happy baby.
He also started turning over (both ways) during the last month. The funny thing is, for some reason he finds it easier to turn from his back to his stomach, which I believe is supposed to be the harder way to turn. In fact, he will turn over to his stomach almost as soon as I lay him down to sleep, and then he freaks himself out because he has a hard time turning back. I guess he will either get used to sleeping on his stomach or learn how to turn back more quickly. But it is definitely making his already undesirable sleeping habits a little more challenging. Oh well, some day consist ant sleep will come :-)
This is a picture of him at about 4 months in his exersaucer. He LOVES this thing and he really hasn't figure out all the toys yet. I can't wait to see how much he loves it when he discovers everything it does.
He is also a bubble blowing champion. One of his favorite things to do is blow is lips back at you when you do it to him. I have even been lucky enough to catch it on video :-)
His 4 month visit went great. He is 15 lbs 12 oz and 26 1/2 inches long. Definitely a big boy.
It has been such a thrill being a parent. I am amazed by how much he grows and changes each week. I am constantly reminding myself to enjoy every stage, because he will be on to something new soon :-)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Go Broncos!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
More Park Time
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Labor Day Weekend!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
It's a bee!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Braeden meets little George!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Funny Reaction :-)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Go Rockies!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Date Night
Chad and I decided to head up to Blackhawk, a small mountain town about 45 minutes away that has gambling. They recently added craps and roulette and increased their betting limits from $5 to $100. Most of you know how much we love Vegas (we went 7 times in our first year and a half of dating), so this seemed like a good choice for our first official "date night" (I doubt we will get to Vegas any time soon :-). We arrived in Blackhawk around 8:30 and found an open blac
It was a great date night for me and Chad. I love my husband soo much, and while we have a great time out with Braeden, it is definitely nice to get out on our own as well. Chad is already talking about going back up to Blackhawk, so I'm sure we will see another date night to Blackhawk in the future (hopefully, it will be just as profitable :-)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Christian gets married!
Friday, July 31, 2009
2 Months
Monday, July 27, 2009
Gone Fishing
This year, Braeden was 8 weeks old on the scheduled fishing weekend. This would be our first "big" driving trip with the little guy (5 hours in the car). While we would only be gone 2 nights, there was an amazing amount of stuff that we needed to bring to accommodate this little person. We were leaving on Saturday morning and I started making a mental list of everything I needed almost a week before. This trip always requires more thought because we bring all of our food and drink as well (the nearest store is about 30 mins outside of town.) We started getting ready to go on Friday and by Saturday around 9 am, we were on the road. I think that is the most packed our Volvo has ever been. We brought the pack and play with the bassinet so he had somewhere to sleep, the shade tent in case he needed shade outside, the gymini in case he wanted to play... can you tell this is our first :-) We may need to buy a trailer to ac
It was a great weekend. Chad's entire family was there, along with Dena's mom and Chad's Grandma Baker. I didn't get to fish as much as normal, but I did sneak away with Chad for a couple of hours to go fish by the bridge while Chad's sister and mom watched Braeden. This was the first time Chad and I had been alone since Braeden's birth. It was so refreshing and relaxing to just hang out in the beautiful mountain air and know that Braeden was in good hands. They took him on a walk and he quicky fell asleep for most of the time we were gone (he almost always falls asleep on his walks, even on the bumpy mountain dirt roads.)
While I was hanging with Braeden at the cabin, many of the others were out catching
Our trip was spent eating, relaxing, and playing with Braeden. It was really a great time. I am definitely looking forward to the year when Braeden is old enough to cast his first line into the river. As fast as the first 8 weeks have gone, I'm sure they will be here before I know it.