Wednesday, September 30, 2009

4 months

I can't believe how fast the time goes by and how much this little boy has changed in 4 months. Looking back, I can hardly remember how little he used to be. Braeden is doing so great these days. Chad and I are amazed everyday by some new little face or sound he is making.

I love how he grabs both of his feet and rolls into a little ball. Apparently this is called the happy
baby pose in yoga and judging how much Braeden does this, he is definitely a happy baby.

He also started turning over (both ways) during the last month. The funny thing is, for some reason he finds it easier to turn from his back to his stomach, which I believe is supposed to be the harder way to turn. In fact, he will turn over to his stomach almost as soon as I lay him down to sleep, and then he freaks himself out because he has a hard time turning back. I guess he will either get used to sleeping on his stomach or learn how to turn back more quickly. But it is definitely making his already undesirable sleeping habits a little more challenging. Oh well, some day consist ant sleep will come :-)

This is a picture of him at about 4 months in his exersaucer. He LOVES this thing and he really hasn't figure out all the toys yet. I can't wait to see how much he loves it when he discovers everything it does.

He is also a bubble blowing champion. One of his favorite things to do is blow is lips back at you when you do it to him. I have even been lucky enough to catch it on video :-)

His 4 month visit went great. He is 15 lbs 12 oz and 26 1/2 inches long. Definitely a big boy.
It has been such a thrill being a parent. I am amazed by how much he grows and changes each week. I am constantly reminding myself to enjoy every stage, because he will be on to something new soon :-)

1 comment:

  1. First of all, Braeden is so flexible. None of my kids could grab their toes like that! Maybe he'll be a 6'5 gymnast! Ha!!! What a sweetie Brook! You are doing an amazing job with him- I can just tell. He looks big, strong, and healthy. Go Braden Go!
